Saturday, February 9, 2013

5 Tips on How to Still Look Feminine After Your BC

Hey Everyone,

Many people wonder how they will still be able to look feminine after getting their big chop and are left with a TWA. Here are a few ideas.

1. Headbands or other hair accessories: Headbands definitely help with femininity. I myself purchased a lot of headbands before my BC to enhance my look.

2. Earrings: Earrings that compliment a short cut will make a difference. Earrings such as larger studs or dangling earrings can help with looking more feminine.

3. Add Some Color: While the hair is shorter, it is the perfect time to try new things, especially coloring. Color will definitely add the the feminine appeal.

4. Curl. Unless you have a low cut, some people have some type of curl pattern and if , not make some curls. Curls always help.

5.Just wearing your everyday make up and/or clothes will help as well. Most likely when you dress as usual, you wont be mistaken for anyone else no matter the length of the hair.

Thanks : )

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